
日本 - 美食


Sushi すし, 寿司, 鮨;用的饭叫醋饭,或鮨飯(sushi-meshi)。

  • Nigiri/nigirizushi 握り寿司 / にぎり寿司: 一片生鱼或海鲜 + 一团米饭 + 手握
    • Nigiri vs sushi: Nigiri是sushi的一种
    • Nigiri vs Sashimi: Sashimi只有鱼生没有米,nigiri是鱼生放在米上。Sashimi不算是sushi。
    • Nigiri vs Onigiri (お握り or 御握り; おにぎり): rice ball, plain or lightly salted rice, 饭团, different from Nigiri
  • Chirashizushi ちらし寿司, "scattered sushi" ("Chirashi Bowl" on the menu) 就是鱼生直接放在一碗米饭上。
  • Inarizushi (稲荷寿司) : a pouch of fried tofu typically filled with sushi rice alone.
  • Makizushi 巻き寿司, "rolled sushi"
  • Narezushi (熟れ寿司, "matured sushi") fermented sushi
  • Gunkanmaki 軍艦巻 / ぐんかんまき, "warship roll", 一种特殊的Nigiri,紫菜围边,上面放鱼生。
  • Temarizushi (手まり寿司, "ball sushi") 球型的寿司.
  • Oshizushi (押し寿司, "pressed sushi"), also known as hako-zushi (箱寿司, "box sushi")
  • Maki: "roll", like Dragon Roll, California Roll, etc.
  • Sushi roll vs hand roll
    • Sushi roll: maki, a long roll cut into pieces
    • Hand roll: temaki, made into a cone
  • Kaitenzushi: 回転寿司
  • Edomae sushi 江戸前寿司:江户时代(1603- 1868),以京都为首的关西地区流行上等的盒装寿司,而江户人发挥平民作风,发明了可以轻松吃到、立即品尝的江户前寿司。江户流派的寿司品种和手捏方法,后来成为高级寿司的代名词。除了寿司行家必吃的鲔鱼(金枪鱼)寿司,鲣鱼、星鳗寿司更是江户前寿司的代表。

Sashimi 刺身

刺 し = sashi (pierced, stuck) and 身 = mi (body, meat)

  • 鲭科
    • 鲭 Saba, 英文:mackerel,中文:鲭(Qīng)鱼
    • 鮭 Sake: 三文鱼Salmon
    • Maguro 鮪(Wěi) 就是金枪鱼tuna
      • shiro maguro: Albacore tuna 长鳍金枪鱼. Shiro = white, maguro = tuna
      • Toro (とろ): fatty bluefin tuna belly
      • Ōtoro (大とろ): fattiest portion of bluefin tuna belly
      • Chu-toro: medium fatty bluefin tuna
      • Akami: lean bluefin tuna
    • Katsuo: 鰹(Jiān) Bonito
  • Hirame: Halibut
  • Hotategai: Scallop
  • Ika: Squid
    • Surume Ika/鯣烏賊: Japanese Common Squid
  • Inari: Tofu
  • Kani: Crab meat
  • Suzuki: Striped bass
  • Tai: Red snapper
  • Tako: Octopus
  • Tamago: Egg
  • Tobiko: Flying fish roe
  • Unagi: freshwater eel
  • ebi: shrimp
    • Ama-ebi: sweet shrimp
    • Sakura-ebi: spring-season shrimp
  • Masu: trout
  • Uni: Sea urchin
  • Fugu: 河豚
  • Hamachi: Japanese amberjack, yellowtail, 鰤鱼, 新加坡译作琥珀鱼
  • Kanpachi Kama: grilled amberjack collar
  • Ikura: Red caviar, Salmon roe 三文鱼籽
  • 光り物(hikarimono)silver-skinned fish,一类鱼,较油较肥,容易变坏。Saba鲭是这一类的鱼。
  • shime saba しめ鯖 = vinegared mackerel


  • Ramen 拉麺 / ラーメン,日本拉面
  • Udon 饂飩 / うどん,乌冬面
  • Soba 蕎麦 / そば,荞麦面
  • Shirataki,白滝 / しらたき,魔芋絲
  • Sōmen 素麺,就是中国的挂面
  • Hiyamugi 冷麦

Donburi (丼)

Donburi: "bowl", 常缩写为"-don"作为词缀。就是XX饭。

  • Gyūdon: 牛丼, 牛肉饭,beef bowl
  • Unadon: 鰻丼, 鳗鱼饭, eel bowl (伊豆荣 本店:伊豆荣是一家鳗鱼饭店,已经有 200 多年历史了。)
  • Oyakodon: 親子丼, chicken + egg bowl
  • Katsudon: カツ丼, 猪排饭, deep fried pork cutlets



  • Yakitori (焼き鳥, 烤鸡串) tori = とり = 鸟, skewers,日式烤雞串
  • Okonomiyaki お好み焼き,关西风什锦烧(大阪烧)和广岛风什锦烧(广岛烧)
  • Sukiyaki (鋤焼, すき焼き, 寿喜烧) 一种火锅
  • Nabeyaki Udon (cooked in a nabe, or metal pot.)
  • Tamagoyaki (卵焼き or 玉子焼き, literally "grilled egg")
  • Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼) 章鱼烧
  • 文字烧 文字烧是一种把面粉糊、圆白菜和各种材料搅拌在一起烧烤的煎饼,是东京的著名特产之一。Monja 大街汇集了数十家文字烧,各有各的特色及口味。
  • 人形烧: 制作成各式各样的人物或动物造型的糕点, 雷门、五重塔、人形烧是浅草的三大名物。浅草著名的人形烧店有木村家、三鸠堂、默林堂等


  • Tempura (天ぷら or 天麩羅): battered and deep fried seafood and vegetables, introduced by the Portuguese residing in Nagasaki in the 16th century
  • Tonkatsu (豚カツ, とんかつ or トンカツ)炸猪排
  • Tonteki 炸猪排
  • 吉列豬排(炸猪排). ton (豚) meaning "pig" and katsu (カツ), which is a shortened form of katsuretsu(カツレツ), the transliteration of the English word cutlet, which again derived from french côtelette, meaning "meat chop".
  • Karaage 唐扬(日语:からあげ、空揚げ、唐揚げ、から揚げ)deep fried


  • snacks: sakana (肴), shukō (酒肴), or otsumami (お摘み)
  • nabe: 鍋
  • Omakase お任せ, 厨师发办, 由主厨决定用餐的菜单, means "I'll leave it up to you"
  • Edamame 毛豆
  • nori: seaweed
  • kurobuta: 黒豚 black pig
  • nasu: eggplant
  • Nankotsu (chicken cartilage) 软骨
  • Dashi (出汁, だし)
  • Katsuobushi: dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna, a.k.a okaka (おかか)
  • Otoshi お通し:开胃小菜。
  • izakaya: 居酒屋, Japanese bar serving drinks and food.
  • otsumami: snacks
  • Okonomiyaki: Japanese savory pancakge
  • bonito flakes: dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna
  • hibachi (Japanese: 火鉢)
  • Shojin-ryori: 精進料理, vegetarian or vegan influenced by Chinese Buddhism
  • Agedashi dōfu: Lightly deep-fried tofu
  • negi: scallion
  • かいせきりょうり(kaisekiryouri) 怀石料理: Kaiseki originally referred to light meals served during a tea ceremony, and today refers to a meal consisting of a number of small, varied dishes. 最早由京都寺庙中传出来,僧人将温暖的石头抱在怀中以抵挡饥饿感,因此有了“怀石”名称。
  • Nabemono (鍋物, なべ物, nabe "cooking pot" + mono "thing"), or simply nabe, is a variety of Japanese hot pot dishes
  • Agedashi dōfu (揚げ出し豆腐, "Lightly deep-fried tofu")
  • Tsukemono (漬物, literally "pickled things")
    • Oshinko: lightly pickled vegetables made in a short time without fermenting ingredients. Oshinko is tsukemono, but tsukemono is not always oshinko.
  • Yosenabe 寄鍋: Yose (寄) means "putting together", all things are cooked together in a pot. based on a broth made with miso or soy sauce flavourings.
  • Oden (おでん, 御田) 关东煮
  • 神户牛肉, 香而不腻、入口即化
  • 河豚料理
  • 日式洋食: 炸猪排、蛋包饭、咖喱是源自日本大正时代的三大洋食
  • tataki (たたき) methods of preparing fish or meat, means "pounded" or "hit into pieces". Lightly grilled.

Places X Food

  • 宇治:茶
  • 宇都宫:饺子